In sacco kinetics disappearance of NDF of small
and large particles of the rumen contents in grazing
dairy cows
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INRA, Agrocampus Rennes, UMR 1080, Milk Production,
F-35590 St-Gilles, France
Publication date: 2007-09-17
Corresponding author
A. Boudon
INRA, Agrocampus Rennes, UMR 1080, Milk Production,
F-35590 St-Gilles, France
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2007;16(Suppl. 2):243-248
In sacco degradation curves of NDF from small (SP) and large particles (LP) of rumen contents,
collected in dairy cows before or after grazing, were compared. LP and SP were defined as ruminal
particles retained, or passing a 1 mm-pore-sieve, respectively. Degradation curves were fitted with
a first order kinetics model. SP, compared to LP, contained a lower proportion of digestible NDF.
Fractional degradation rates of NDF were lower for SP than for LP after the meal, and were not
different between SP and LP before the meal. These results questions about representations of SP
and LP in the rumen models.