Advertising policy

The Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences does not accept advertising that misleads the user and includes false information about the product/service, and does not comply with the requirements of the current law "On Advertising".

The advertising message must correspond to the content of the page to which it leads. That is, for example, if there is a promotion, the link must lead to the advertiser's page where the description of this promotion is located.

The page on the server to which the advertising link leads must open correctly in the browser and not contain script or program errors (that give error messages in the browser).

If the advertiser knows that there are rules and restrictions on advertising his product/service, he is obliged to inform Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences on them and provide all the necessary information on licensing, certification, etc.

An integral part of the requirements of the Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences is compliance with the technical requirements for advertising materials. The post of the client's own banners is possible only after a positive review by the Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. If the banner contradicts the visual aesthetics, it is not placed until our recommendations are taken into account.

The Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences has the right to reject advertising applications without explanation.
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