Article Correction and Withdrawal policy

If Author notices that his published article contains errors that could affect the interpretation of data or reliability of information presented, he should as soon as possible contact the Journal’s editorial team to make changes in the on-line version of article. Corresponding Author should obtain approval from all Authors of the original article. On very rare occasions where there is a need to correct an error made in the publication process, the Journal may be required to issue a correction without the Authors’ direct input. However, should this occur, the Journal will make best efforts to notify the authors.

Retractions will be considered in cases where:
-The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper referencing, permission, or justification (e.g., cases of redundant or duplicate publication).
-The research constitutes plagiarism.
-There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication or image manipulation) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).
-The authors have deliberately submitted fraudulent or inaccurate information.
-There is evidence or concerns of authorship for sale.
-There is evidence of unethical research, or there is evidence of a breach of editorial policies.
The decision to retract an article will be follow after a full investigation by Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Editoarial Team.
Where the decision has been taken to retract an article, Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences add a ‘retracted’ watermark to the final published version of the article and issue a separate retraction statement, titled ‘(article title) (Retraction), that will be linked to the retracted article on the Journal website.

Article removal
An article removal could be issued in rare circumstances where the problems cannot be addressed through a Correction notice or Retraction. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences will consider removal of a published article in very limited circumstances where:
- The article contains content that could pose a serious risk of harm if acted upon or followed.
- An article is subject to a court order.
- The article is defamatory or infringes other legal rights.
In the case of an article being removed from Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, a removal notice will be issued in its place.
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