Characteristics of meatness traits in six generations of ducks in conservative groups
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Department of Waterfowl Breeding, Dworzyska Poultry Research Center, 62-022 Świątniki n. Wartą, Poland
Publication date: 1997-02-06
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1997;6(1):101-108
In 6 generations of ducks from 4 conservative groups: Khaki Campbell (Khl), Orpington (01), their crosses (KhOl) and Miniducks (K2), mean values of some meatness traits, their coefficients of variation (v, vyears) and repeatability (rp) were estimated. Live weight of the 7-week-old birds and contents of the investigated tissue components in the carcass differed depending on the origin and sex of the birds. In all groups, lower v and vyears values of live weights in the 3rd and 7th week of life were found in females, while the rp values were higher than those in males. High values of v (up to 22%) and of vyears (up to 26%) were found in 3-week-old drakes in live weight of 3-week-old drakes and in breast muscless content in the carcasses of 7-week-old males (up to 17 and 21%, respectively). High rp values were found concerning the live weight of 7-week-old ducks (0.4-0.8), middlde rp values concerning the live weight in 7-week-old drakes as well as those of per cent contents of breast and leg muscles in the carcasses of drakes and ducks (0.1-0.6), while they were low in 3-week- old birds and in the carcass contents of skin with subcutaneous fat in birds of both sexes (0.1-0.3). The highest live weight at the age of 7 weeks was noted in Orpingtons, but the highest content of breast muscles was found in Miniduck carcasses.
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