Chemical composition of plantain foliage (Musa paradisiaca) and the effect of its inclusion in the diet on nutrient digestibility in pig
J. Ly 1
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Swine Research Institute, P.O. Box 1, Punta Brava, La Habana, Cuba
Publication date: 1997-05-15
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1997;6(2):257-267
Plantain foliage (PF) meal contained, on dry basis, 626.9 g/kg NDF, 445.3 g/kg ADF, 86.5 g/kg lignin, 123.0 g/kg N x 6.25,148.6 g/kg ash, 16.90 MJ/kg DM gross energy. The effect of feeding PF on nutrient digestibility in the pig was investigated in either ileorectostomized or intact pigs fed graded levels of PF 0, 100 and 200 g/kg in the diet, respectively). PF significantly decreased ileal and faecal digestibility of most nutrients. The contribution of the large intestine to the digestion of diets ranged from 13.0 to 22.5% of energy disappearance in the gastrointestinal tract. Estimated ileal and faecal crude protein digestibility of PF meal was 34.7 and 50.8% whereas in vitro crude protein digestibility of PF meal accounted for 42.0%, thus indicating a rather low availability of crude protein in the biomass. Daily ileal and faecal output of both short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and ammonia showed a trend to be proportional to the level of PF in the diet. It is suggested that PF meal should be used at low levels of inclusion in the pig's diet if a negative effect on nutrient digestibility is to be avoided.
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