Digestible amino acids and enzymes in broiler diets:
effects on carcass composition of two broiler strains
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National Research Institute of Animal Production,
Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science,
32-083 Balice, Poland
Publication date: 2005-06-26
Corresponding author
W. Szczurek
National Research Institute of Animal Production,
Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science,
32-083 Balice, Poland
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2005;14(Suppl. 1):487-490
A factorial design experiment was conducted to test the effects of two methods of feed formulation, i.e. based on total (TAA) vs digestible (DAA) amino acids and a multi-enzyme preparation in
diets with different sources of plant protein, and two energy levels on carcass parameters, especially
breast (BM) and breast + leg muscles (VM) content, of two broiler strains (ISA 215 and Ross 308).
Treatment diets were fed from 22 to 42 days of age. Overall, Ross birds deposited relatively more
BM and VM muscles than ISA broilers. The diet with a lower energy level decreased BM yield in
the faster-growing ISA strain. Formulating diets on the basis of DAA vs TAA yielded higher BM
and VM percentages in both strains. Enzyme supplementation had a positive effect on BM (Ross)
and VM (ISA) yields. In both genotypes feed formulation based on DAAs appeared more effective
in improving carcass meatiness than enzyme supplementation.