Effect of dietary fsh and rapeseed oils on sensory and physicochemical characteristics of pig M. longissimus dorsi and fatty acid composition
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Department of Animal Hygiene and Ichthyology, Wrocław Agricultural University, Chełmońskiego 38c, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland
Department of Animal Nutrition and Food Science, Wrocław Agricultural University, Chełmońskiego 38c, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland
Sea Fisheries Institute, Kołłątaja 1, 81-322 Gdynia, Poland
Lower Silesian Feed Company “Dolpasz” S.A. Rolimpex Group, Legnicka 52, 54-204 Wrocław, Poland
Publication date: 2004-01-14
Corresponding author
R. Kołacz   

Department of Animal Hygiene and Ichthyology, Wrocław Agricultural University, Chełmońskiego 38c, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2004;13(1):143-152
The study evaluated the effect of fish and rapeseed oils in pig diets on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of M. longissimus dorsi and its fatty acid composition. Both oils were added to a humus-mineral medium and blended with feed ingredients. Four groups of pigs, 54 per group, were fattened from 30 to 100 kg on diets that were either not supplemented (control, G I), or supplemented with oil (2%): G II-rapeseed, G III-fish, and G IV fish from 30 to 80 kg (growing) and rapeseed from 80 to 100 kg (finishing). Differences (P≤0.01) were found in the experimental groups (in comparison with G I) in meat juiciness and taste, pH, crude fat and total cholesterol, all in favour of the experimental diets. In relation to fatty acids, the differences (P≤0.01) concerned C10:0, C18:3 n-3, C18:3 n-6, C20:1 n-9, C20:2 n-6, C20:4 n-6, C20:5 n-3 (EPA), C22:5 n-3 (DPA), and C22:6 n-3 (DHA). In the experimental groups, PUFA increased by 34-36%, the sum of n-3 increased 5-6.6 times, and the n-6/n-3 ratio decreased 4-5 times (P≤0.01). Colour, aroma, tenderness, dry matter, total protein, SFA, UFA, MUFA, DFA and OFA were similar in all of the groups. The best sensory results were found in pigs from G IV fed with two oils, fish (growing) and rapeseed (finishing).
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