Effect of feeding cholesterol-enriched diet on
plasma and tissue cholesterol and atherosclerosis
in rabbits
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Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Jastrzębiec, 05-551 Mroków, Poland
Publication date: 1996-04-12
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1996;5(2):163-173
The aim of the experiment was to investigate the relationship between consumption of cholesterol-enriched diet and plasma and tissue cholesterol content as well as the degree of atherosclerosis in
rabbits, to make further investigations on the role of emotional and behavioural factors in diet
induced atherosclerosis more conclusive. The experimental rabbits (E) were offered 150 g standard
pellet feed daily mixed with 1 egg yolk and 1.5 g cholesterol in substantia during 7 weeks, whereas the
control rabbits (C) were fed the same amount of feed without egg yolk and supplementary
cholesterol. Significant effect of diet type on total plasma cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol (high density
lipoprotein cholesterol) and cholesterol content in liver, heart and muscle was found. However
negative correlations between cholesterol food consumption and total plasma cholesterol (r = -0.24)
and atherosclerosis (r = -0.40) were found in group E. The relative increase of total plasma
cholesterol in E group was greater than that of plasma HDL-cholesterol. Females demonstrated
significantly higher total plasma cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol than males. The degree of
atherosclerosis was positively correlated with the total plasma cholesterol (r = 0.73, P<0.01) and
plasma HDL-cholesterol concentration (r = 0.29) but negatively correlated with ratio HDL/total
cholesterol (r = -0.66, P < 0.01) as estimated after the end of the experiment.
Feeds of animal origin in rabbit nutrition – a review
Andrzej Gugołek, Dorota Kowalska
Annals of Animal Science