Effect of level of intake during the milk-feeding period on post-weaning growth in lambs
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Estación Agrícola Experimental, CSIC Apdo 788, 24080 León, Spain
Publication date: 1996-09-13
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1996;5(4):317-325
Twenty four Churra lambs from multiple births were assigned to a 3x2 factorial design, with three levels of milk intake (837-L, 1046-M and 1255-H kJ gross energy per kg metabolic body weight per day) and two sexes (males and females). The effects of these factors on growth rate during the milk-feeding period (0 to 30 days), weaning period (31 to 37 days) and post-weaning period (38 to 77 days) were studied. The live weight gain during the milk-feeding period was statistically different (P < 0.001) for the three levels of milk intake (66, 109 and 127 g/day). Dry matter, crude protein and gross energy digestibilities of the milk substitute were lower (P < 0.05) for the H level of intake than the L and M levels. Weight losses during the weaning period were inversely related to the pre-weaning levels of milk intake. The live weight gains were not statistically different between male and female lambs during either the pre- or post-weaning periods. Post-weaning daily live weight gains were 34.4, 31.1 and 27.1 g/kg0.75 for L, M and H levels of milk intake respectively (P < 0.001)
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