Effect of supplemental β-carotene in the periparturient diet on plasma vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations and lymphocyte proliferation in Holstein cows
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State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Beef Cattle Research Center and College of Animal, Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, P.R.. China
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100026, P.R. China
Publication date: 2007-09-17
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Q. X. Meng   

State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Beef Cattle Research Center and College of Animal, Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, P.R.. China
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2007;16(Suppl. 2):393-398
Thirty six lactating Holstein cows were selected based on identical parity, milk yield, body weight and body condition score to study the effect of supplemental β-carotene in the periparturient diet on plasma vitamin A (VA) and β-carotene concentrations and lymphocyte proliferation. The cows were randomly allotted into three groups and individually fed with one of three treatment diets: 1. control diet (basic diet + 150,000 IU VA/cow/day), 2. control diet + 300 mg β-carotene/ cow/day, and 3. control diet + 600 mg β-carotene/cow/day. The results showed that supplemental β-carotene increased the concentration of VA and β-carotene in plasma, and increased the lymphocyte proliferation with adequate VA in the diet during periparturient period (P<0.01).
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