Effect of variety and dehulling on nutritional value of white lupin seeds for growing pigs
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Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology, Oczapowskiego 5, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Division of Food Science, Tuwima 10, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
Publication date: 1997-10-24
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1997;6(4):521-532
The nutritional value of three Polish varieties of white lupin: whole seeds of an older variety, Wat, a newer variety, Hetman, as well as whole or dehulled seeds of the newest variety, Bardo, was determined in a 36-day growth experiment (Experiment 1) on 25 barrows (30-56 kg BW). Twenty per cent whole seeds or 16.5% dehulled seeds were added to the diet at the expense of the soyabean oilmeal which was decreased from 19% in the control diet to 6-9% in the experimental diets. In comparison with the control group, daily weight gains and feed utilization were significantly poorer in the pigs fed the diet containing Wat seeds (0.106% alkaloids in DM), while performance of pigs fed Hetman or Bardo lupin (0.035% and 0.052% alkaloids, respectively) was only insignificantly worse. In pigs fed dehulled seeds, fattening performance was the same as in the control group. In the second experiment (2), nutrients digestibility of the three lupin varieties and dehulled Bardo lupin seeds was determined by difference method. No significant differences in the digestibility of crude protein, crude fibre or N-free extractives were found among the evaluated varieties. Digestibility of energy was the greatest in Hetman seeds. Dehulling the seeds increased digestibility of energy from 80.8 to 86.4% (P<0.01). Dehulled seeds contained more metabolizable energy (16.0 vs. 14.1 MJ/kg) and digestible protein (371 vs. 295 g/kg), while less crude fibre (42 vs. 129 g/kg) than whole seeds.
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