Estimation of chemical composition, net energy
and protein value of lucerne by NIRS
and by regression equation based of the days
of vegetation or the accumulated temperature
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University of Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine,
6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Publication date: 1994-09-14
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1994;3(4):325-334
The chemical composition, net energy values and protein digestible in small intestine of lucerne
primary growth and regrowth samples were estimated by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and by
regression equations based on the days or accumulated temperature from the beginning of
Regression equations, predicting tested parameters for primary growth samples for one year,
were obtained using the days of vegetation (DV) or the accumulated temperature (AT) as
independent variables and tested with primary growth samples from the two other years. The
prediction accuracy for these parameters by the established equations with both independent factors
(DV or AT) was similar and enough for practical purposes.
The NIRS calibration equations for the primary growth or the regrowth showed better or very
close accuracy to that of the regression equations with AT or DV. The accuracy of prediction did not
differ significantly for both growths. No significant differences in the standard error of prediction
were found for samples of the primary growth and regrowth when they were analyzed by a general
calibration equation including both growths.
NIRS has an advantage since it is not necessary to observe the DV and AT and it is possible to
analyze samples from different growths with general calibration.