In 80 Mulard ducks (crossing of Muscovy drakes with Pekin ducks) at 9- and 12-weeks of age the
relationships between alive body measurements and live body weight and percentage content of
breast and legs muscles, skin with subcutaneous fat, abdominal and intestinal fat and bones in the
carcass were determined.
According to the multiple regression equations the following parameters are useful for estimating
the percentage of meat in 9-and 12-week-old living Mulard ducks: thorax lenght, shank length, breast
circumference and breast muscle thickness. The fat content can be estimated on the basis of body
weight, arm length, thorax length, sternum crest length and breast depth.
In vivo prediction of the carcass fatness using live body measurements in Pekin ducks Fang-Bin Lin, Feng Zhu, Jin-Ping Hao, Fang-Xi Yang, Zhuo-Cheng Hou Poultry Science
Multiple regression equations to estimate the content of breast muscles, meat, and fat in Muscovy ducks K. Kleczek, K. Wawro, E. Wilkiewicz-Wawro, W. Makowski Poultry Science
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