Intake and digestibility of Acacia macracantha and
A. tamarindifolia in mixed rations with agricultural
byproducts in goats
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College Grade Special Work at Decanato de Agronomía, UCLA, Cabudare, Edo. Lara, Venezuela
Departamento de Producción Animal, Decanato de Agronomía, UCLA,
Cabudare, Edo. Lara, Venezuela
Publication date: 2004-08-30
Corresponding author
G. E. Nouel
Departamento de Producción Animal, Decanato de Agronomía, UCLA,
Cabudare, Edo. Lara, Venezuela
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2004;13(Suppl. 1):211-214
Intake and digestibility of leaves, Acacia macracantha (Am) and A. tamarindifolia (At), in rations
mixed with ammoniated rice straw (R) and maize hominy (C), was evaluated for growing goats. 8 goats
(20.5 kg liveweight) were used in the experiment. A complete randomized experimental design with a
factorial (2×2) arrangement was conducted. The factors were: 1. Am and At; 2. Two different inclusion
levels: low (18.75%) (L) and high (37.5%) (H). The intake of Am was higher (803 g DM/day) compared
with At (638 g DM/day). Intake at different inclusion levels did not differ between species (H=685
and L=765 g/goat/day, P=0.247). The digestibility of the two Acacia species differed: DM, Am=80.02
and At=74.62%; NDF, Am=80.33 and At= 74.79%; hemicellulose, Am=94.35 and At= 88.50%. It was
concluded that intake and digestibility of Am was higher than of At.