The fermentation quality of total mixed ration silage (TMRS) prepared with dry apple pomace (DAP) or fresh apple pomace (FAP), as well as their effects on digestibility and rumen fermentation in feeding wethers were evaluated. Maize, wheat bran, soyabean meal, timothy and alfalfa hay were used to compose TMRS. Proportions of DAP and FAP in TMRS were 200 g/kg dry matter (DM) each, and the moisture content of TMRS was adjusted to 550 g/kg and ensiled for 60 days. The mixture of TMR with DAP without ensiling was used as a control diet, and experimental treatments were TMRS with DAP and TMRS with FAP. The TMRS with DAP and FAP were well fermented, with low pH and high lactic acid content. Ethanol was produced in both TMRS treatments and was significantly higher in that with FAP. Nitrogen retention and digestibility of DM, organic matter and crude protein were significantly lower in the treatments with DAP and FAP than in control one. Four hours after feeding TMRS with DAP and FAP, the rumen molar proportion of acetic acid was higher, while those of propionic acid and ammonia nitrogen content were lower, with more pronounced changes in the treatment with FAP. The results of this study suggest that the proportion of DAP or FAP in TMRS should not exceed 200 g/kg of diet DM.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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