Manuscript Submission policy

Submission The manuscript should be submitted only via the JAFS Editorial System ( and have to be prepared in accordance with Instruction for Authors (,413.html).
The Authors also must upload the scan of the completed Manuscript Submission Form.

Manuscript submission form (MSF) contents.
1. Title of the submitted paper.
2. Names and surnames of all Authors of the submitted paper.
3. Corresponding Author data: Full name: Scientific title and position: Address (postcode, town/city, street, No.): Telephone, fax, e-mail.
4. I hereby declare that the manuscript submitted for publication has neither in part nor as a whole been published or submitted for publication at the same time in any other scientific journal.
5. I hereby declare that the research, used materials and the manuscript itself do not infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, of any third party and will not lead to any conflict of interests with any third party.
6. I hereby declare that the co-Authors of this manuscript, familiar with its content, have given their consent to publish the manuscript in the presented form in the Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences and all Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
7. I hereby declare that I have read all the terms and conditions of publishing in Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences (i.e. Instructions for Authors, Copy right and self-archiving policy, Peer review process).
8. I hereby declare that I am aware that publication in this Journal is connected with article publication charges (APC) costs according to,414.html and in case of publication of my manuscript I am obliged to pay the requested sum of money.
9. I declare that I have needed money for the payment for the publication. The Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences does not provide any waivers and discounts.
10. I hereby declare if that during the creation of this manuscript the Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools were used I am obliged to include the information in the Material and Methods section concerning: the full name of the tool used (with version number), how it was used, and the reason for use.

The form of the MSF is available at the end of these instructions on our website and in the system during registration or on our website (,413.html).

The day the manuscript reaches the editors for the first time as the date ‘received’ and the day the version corrected by the Authors is accepted by the reviewers is given as the date ‘revised’.
Authors receive a free electronic PDF version of their paper as a form of gratification. No royalties are offered to the Authors. All papers are available free of charge at the webpage of the Journal (
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