Meat quality of young Kamieniecka rams and Kamieniecka cross-breeds slaughtered at the age of 50 or 100 days
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Institute of Breeding and Animal Production Technology, Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland
Publication date: 1997-08-19
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1997;6(3):333-341
The investigations were carried out on 48 ram-lambs: 16 Kamieniecka sheep (K), 16 cross-breeds of Kamieniecka sheep ewes with Berrichon du Cher (K x BCH) and 16 with Blackhead (K x Blh) rams. Eight ram-lambs from each group were slaughtered at the age of 50 days and the remaining 8 animals at the age of 100 days. Samples of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh (m. quadriceps femoris) were taken to investigate pH, energy value, chemical, physical and sensory properties of the meat as well as fatty acid composition of the intramuscular fat. The meat of F1, cross-breeds after Berrichon du Cher rams had a higher fat content and better tenderness but worse water holding capacity and colour as well as less linolic acid (C18:2) in the intramuscular fat. Use of Blackhead rams resulted only in a darker colour of the meat as compared with that found in Kamieniecka sheep lambs. The meat of 100-day-old lambs had more protein and fat, higher energy value, better water holding capacity but worse tenderness, juiciness and taste. In comparison with results obtained from 50-day-old animals, the intramuscular fat of 100-day-old lambs contained more monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid (C18:1), but less saturated and unsaturated essential fatty acids. Taste panel evaluation as well as the fatty acid composition indicate that the meat from younger lambs is more suitable in terms of the human diet.
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