This study was conducted to investigate chemical composition, mineral contents and in vitro gas-methane productions of post-harvest herbage of different Jerusalem artichoke genotypes. In total, 16 different Jerusalem artichoke genotypes were used in the present experiments. Plants were harvested during the tuber harvests. Present findings revealed that Jerusalem artichoke herbage could offer a good source of fibre and minerals for ruminants. Crude protein contents varied between 5.82–13.36%, ether extract between 0.65–2.42%, condensed tannins between 0.95–1.67%, acid detergent fibre (ADF) between 31.67–45.71%, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) between 38.77–53.27% and crude ash between 9.89–16.85%. Total gas and methane productions respectively varied between 26.06–46.12 ml and 3.81–8.96 ml, metabolizable energy (ME) between 5.82–8.52 MJ/kg dry matter (DM), organic matter digestibility (OMD) between 43.30–60.20% and net energy lactation (NEL) between 2.65–4.93 MJ/kg DM. Macro- and microelements contents of the majority of the Jerusalem artichoke genotypes were greater than legumes and Gramineae forage species. It was concluded that Jerusalem artichoke herbage had a rich nutritional composition and could offer a good source of roughage for ruminants especially in dry and lactation periods.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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Human Health Benefits through Daily Consumption of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Tubers
Angela Méndez-Yáñez, Patricio Ramos, Luis Morales-Quintana
Biochemical, Microstructural, and Probiotic Bacterial Patterns of Innovative Fresh Cheese Fortified with Helianthus tuberosus Tubers
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