Performance and adipose cellularity of female progeny of White Plymouth Rock dams and commercial broiler breeder sires
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Department of Agricultural Sciences, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, USA
Publication date: 2000-05-08
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2000;9(2):379-389
The study was conducted to compare performance and abdominal adipose cellularity in broiler-type female progeny of commercial broiler breeder sires and White Plymouth Rock (WPR) dams, and in the WPR females. Nine hundred and eighty three WPR and 816 crossbred (CB) female progeny were fed diets containing 13 MJ ME·kg-1 and 20% CP ad libitum and body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion, breast angle, carcass weight, abdominal fat weight and adipose cellularity were determined at 58 days of age. Body weight gain and feed intake were significantly higher (P<0.05) by 15.3 and 18%, respectively, in the CB than in WPR progeny. Mean breast angle, carcass weight, abdominal fat weight and total lipid in abdominal fat pad were also 12, 13.5, 33 and 42.8%, respectively higher (P<0.05 ) in CB than WPR progeny. The CB progeny had significantly more fat cells of 230 to 290 µm in diameter than WPR progeny (0.31 x 107 vs 0.12 x 107). Negative and highly significant (P<0.01 ) correlations were observed between abdominal fat cell size and total fat cell number in abdominal fat tissue of WPR and CB progeny (r = -0.89 and -0.93, respectively) suggesting that adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy were contributing factors to adipose tissue growth. Although the CB progeny outperformed WPR progeny, they however accumulated more abdominal fat and total lipid and had more and larger adipocytes.
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