Performance, chemical body composition, and
energy balance of 70-kg pigs as affected by dietary
restriction in young age
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The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Publication date: 2001-06-28
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2001;10(Suppl. 2):191-196
The study was carried out on 20 gilts from 15 to 70 kg. From 15 to 25 kg the animals were fed a
starter diet at three feeding levels: group C, 100; group D1, 85; D2, 60% of intake. From 25 to 70 kg
the animals were fed a grower diet at the standard feeding level. During restriction, the D1 and D2
pigs grew slower than the C pigs (382, 240 vs 512 g/day) and reached 25 kg 8 and 23 days later,
respectively. During realimentation, both D1 and D2 pigs utilized feed more efficiently and grew
faster than controls. Overall performance (15–70 kg) indicates that D1 pigs grew at similar rate and
D2 significantly slower than the C pigs (670, 677, 565 g/day) but both previously restricted pigs
utilized protein more efficiently. The D1 group showed a full compensatory response.
The effects of feed and protein restriction between 90 and 118 days of age on performance, bone growth and mineralization of pigs reared to 168 days of age
D. Weremko, G. Skiba, St. Raj, H. Fandrejewski
Animal Feed Science and Technology
Bone mineralisation, mechanical properties and body phosphorus content in growing gilts as affected by protein or feed intake during depletion–repletion periods
Grzegorz Skiba, Monika Sobol, Stanisława Raj
Archives of Animal Nutrition