Policy of Ethical use of Animals, Cell lines and Plants in research

Ethical use of Animals in research
It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain approval of appropriate Animal Ethics Committee and report this approval in their manuscript in the first paragraph of the section Materials and methods including the name of the Ethics Committee, reference number and date of the approval.

The authors should remember that experimental study on vertebrates or any regulated invertebrates must comply with national (e.g. Law for animal welfare protection) and international guidelines (e.g. European Animal Research Association. EU regulations on animal research in Europe).
The Editor may request further information about care and use of animals including evidence of regulatory approval and compliance with local regulations.
The Editor reserves the right to decline to publish manuscripts if he has concerns about the welfare or treatment of animals used in the study.
If the manuscript does not contain any study that requires animal ethical approval, the following statement should be included in the Material and methods section: “No ethical approval was obtained because this study did not involve animals and only involved non-invasive procedures” (e.g. collection of fecal samples, voided urine etc).

Ethical use of Cell lines in Research
Publishing research with use of cell lines in the material and methods section author should state the origin of any cell lines. If studied cell line comes from commercial cell line bank, the author should give the name of company, city and country. If experiment was conducted on primary cell lines or explants the approval of the relevant Ethics Committee of the procedures used in experiments on animals should be given from which these cells were collected.

Ethical use of Plants in research
Studies with the use of wild or cultivated plants must comply with institutional, national, or international guidelines. The Journal does not publish research where was used Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Each submitted manuscript should include details of the populations sampled on the site of collection (GPS coordinates), the date of collection. In the materials and methods section, the author must declare that the plant being studied does not belong to Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Editors reserve the right to reject any submission that does not meet these requirements.
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