Information from the literature and own data show that the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty
acids in milk fat, the level of CLA and ω-3 fatty acids can be improved by dietary factors. However,
none of the components can be changed without a concomitant increase in trans fatty acids, some
with unknown human health effects. Diets that effectively affect milk fat composition, often lead to
milk fat depression due to inhibition of expression of the genes coding for key enzymes. Potential
negative effects on technological and sensory quality cannot be ignored.
Mammary cell turnover and expression of lipogenic genes in response to silage induced CLA and diet energy density in lactating cows J. V. N⊘rgaard, L. H. Baumgard, T. Skau Nielsen, P. K. Theil, M. T. S⊘rensen, K. Sejrsen Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science
The influence of feed and herd on fatty acid composition in 3 dairy breeds (Danish Holstein, Danish Jersey, and Swedish Red) N.A. Poulsen, F. Gustavsson, M. Glantz, M. Paulsson, L.B. Larsen, M.K. Larsen Journal of Dairy Science
Realization of breeding values for milk fatty acids in relation to seasonal variation in organic milk Nina Poulsen, Lisa Hein, Morten Kargo, Albert Buitenhuis Journal of Dairy Science
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