Protein content in the diet for fattening lambs. 1. Liveweight gain, efficiency of feed utilization and digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids in the smali intestine
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The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, 05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Publication date: 1992-01-29
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1992;1(1):15-25
Polish Merino małe lambs, average initial weight 16 kg, in 3 groups of 10, were fed to 38-40 kg liveweight on diets with 18,7 MJ/kg DM gross energy and 17 (H), 14 (M) and 10% (L) crude protein. Six małe lambs of about 40 kg body weight, with simple duodenal and ileal cannulae were fed in a Latin square design on diets of similar composition but containing Cr2O3 and pelleted. Average daily gain in groups H, M, and L was 188, 180 and 159 g; intake per kg gain was: of metabolizable energy 53.7; 52.2 and 50.4 MJ, of crude protein 824, 660 and 595 g, respectively. Ammonia N content in duodenal digesta was on diet L less than on diets H and M (P≤0.05). Apparent digestibility of total N in the smali intestine was on diets H and M 68.1%, on diet L 65.4%, the difference being significant (P≤0.05). Absorption of essential amino acids was greatest of Met and Lys and least of Thr, regardless of diet. Decreasing the content of crude protein in diets for Polish Merino małe lambs to 14%, at 18.7 MJ gross energy per kg DM, did not reduce the amount of amino acids absorbed in the small intestine and improved protein utilization.
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