Selected parameters of slaughter analysis in fatteners fed mixtures containing naked oat with or without the addition of synthetic zeolite
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Department of Animal Feeding and Feed Science, Warsaw Agricultural University, Rakowiecka 26/30, 02-528 Warszawa, Poland
Publication date: 2001-06-28
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2001;10(Suppl. 2):209-214
In an experiment with 3 groups of fatteners, the effect of the Polish naked oat cultivar Akt on the chemical composition of meat and some parameters of slaughter analysis was studied. The naked oat constituted 55% of the feed mixture. Besides it, in one group, a 3% addition of synthetic zeolite, was used. Instead of oat, the control group received the same quantity of barley. It was found that the inclusion of naked oat led to a higher fat percentage in M. longissimus dorsi tissue and thicker backfat layer over the shoulder. In respect to the other parameters, the differences were insignificant. The addition of zeolite decreased the loin eye area (significantly in comparison with oat without the additive) and deteriorated meat tissue consistency as compared with the remaining groups.
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