Small intestinal microbiological and morphological
observations in young calves fed milk replacers
enriched with a combination of lactoperoxidase
system and lactoferrin
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TNO Nutrition and Food Research, Department of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ILOB),
P.O. Box 15, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Nutrifeed Veghel, The Netherlands
DMV International, Veghel, The Netherland
Publication date: 1998-08-22
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1998;7(Suppl. 1):223-228
A study has been made of the effects of a combination of lactoperoxidase system (LP-s) and
lactoferrin (LF), supplemented to milk replacer for 2 weeks, on the morphology of the small intestinal mucosa, microbiology of the intestinal tract and the incidence and severity of diarrhoea in young
calves. The experiment was conducted in two groups of 15 young calves, aged 7 to 21 days. The
results showed a lower incidence and severity of diarrhoea (P < 0.05) in the calves of the LP-s/LF
group compared to the control group. CFU (Colony forming units) of E. coli in colonic digesta
(P = 0.10) and in faeces (P < 0.05) were significantly lower in the LP-s/LF group compared to the
control group. Dissecting microscopy of the small intestinal mucosa indicated more finger-shaped
villi in the distal jejunum of the calves of the LP-s/LF group compared to the control group (P = 0.01).
Histometrical measurements showed that these villi were significantly (P = 0.002) higher. The mean
contents of immunoglobulins (IgG) increased (P = 0.1) during the test period whereas those of the
control group remained unchanged.
In vivo antimicrobial and antiviral activity of components in bovine milk and colostrum involved in non-specific defence
Antonius C. M. van Hooijdonk, K. D. Kussendrager, J. M. Steijns
British Journal of Nutrition