Studies on N-metabolism in different
gastrointestinal sections of sheep using the digesta
exchange technique. 1. Model and experimental
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Institute for Ecologically-Compatible Animal Husbandry, University of Rostock,
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 8, 18059 Rostock, Germany
Institute for Applied Agroecology, Rostock, Germany
Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals,
Department of Nutritional Physiology „ Oskar Kellner",
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2, 18196 Dummerstorf, Germany
Publication date: 2001-08-07
Corresponding author
A. Sandek
Institute for Ecologically-Compatible Animal Husbandry, University of Rostock,
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 8, 18059 Rostock, Germany
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2001;10(3):421-434
The aim of the study was to measure the secretion, passage and reabsorption of N in the gastrointestinal tract of sheep using the method of digesta exchange between 15N labelled and unlabelled
sheep. This requires information on N passage in different parts of the intestinal tract. Six experiments were carried out, each with three male sheep of 20-25 kg body weight, fitted with a cannula
into the rumen, with re-entrant cannulas in the proximal duodenum and distal ileum and with a
jugular vein catheter for blood sampling. The animals were fed in 4 h intervals with a hay and
concentrate diet, where Group 1 (Experiments 1 to 3) received a ration of low crude fibre (15% CF)
with a hay:concentrate ratio of 38:62, and Group 2 (Experiments 4), a ration of high crude fibre
(25% CF) with a hay:concentrate ratio of 64:36. The diets were isonitogenous (~16% CP). In each
experiment one of the three sheep (animal No. 1) was infused intraruminally with 15N urea (1 g/d, 95 atom% 15N ) , the others, No. 2 and No. 3, were infused with unlabelled urea. After the 15N level of
the metabolic pool of animal No. 1 reached a steady state, passage of digesta, dry matter, total N, and
15N at the duodenum and the ileum and N and 15N excretion in faeces and urine were estimated. For
the determination of N secretion and reabsorption, on day 7 and 8 of the experiment the duodenal and
the ileal digesta were exchanged between the labelled animal (No. 1) and the unlabelled ones (No. 2
and 3). The digesta flow was measured directly during 48 h and 3 % aliquots of the duodenal and ileal
digesta were taken for analysis of N and 15N content. Mean N balance (± SD) for Group 1 (low CF
content) was 5.80±1.66 g N/d and for Group 2 (high CF content) - 1.11±1.12 g N/d. Total N excretions for Group 1 were significantly smaller than for Group 2 (urine: 43 vs 71 % of N intake; faeces:
27 vs 38% of N intake). Mean daily N excretions in faeces were 5.21 and 4.86 g for Groups 1 and 2,
respectively and were positively correlated (R2 = 0.912) with CF intake. For determination of N flow
rates out of the stomachs into the duodenum it was necessary to correct the flow rates measured at the
duodenal fistula by the secretion rates of pancreas and bile. These secretion rates, estimated in a
separate experiment, were 2.20 and 0.93 g N/d for Groups 1 and 2, respectively. Corresponding N
flows out of the stomachs into the duodenum were 12.2 and 11.6 g/d and were higher than the N
intake for the group with higher CF content. Ileal N flow was positively correlated to CF intake
(R2 = 0.819). For Groups 1 and 2, N disappearance rates were 57.9 and 45.6%, respectively for the
small intestine, 26.5 and 30.1% for the large intestine, and 76.5 and 62.2% for the whole digestive