The chemical composition and luminal
degradability of maize silages depending on the
cultivar and mowing height at harvest
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Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, August Cieszkowski Agricultural University,
Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Institute of Agricultural Engineering,
August Cieszkowski Agricultural University,
Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Publication date: 2001-06-28
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2001;10(Suppl. 2):331-337
The experiment was designed in a bifactor model with five maize hybrids (Rasant, Dragon, LG
2252, San and Magister), mowed at two heights, i.e., 10–12 cm (A) and 50 cm (B). The average yield
of dry matter of plants cut at a height of 50 cm (B) was 130.5 dt/ha and was significantly lower than
the yield obtained from maize mowed at a height of 10–12 cm (A), where it amounted to 148.1 dt/ha.
The percentage of ears showed the opposite trend, with 55.3 and 49.2%, respectively. Dry matter in
all silages ranged from 35.9 to 42.1%. B silages contained more dry matter and starch, but less
structural carbohydrate. Dry matter degradation in the rumen of these silages was increased (65.5–
70.0%). Effective ruminal degradability of crude protein of all of the investigated silages (80.0–
86.5%) was in the same range as that of starch (79.2–87.3%). A tendency towards reduced protein
and starch degradabilities was observed in B silages. The average NDF loss after 24 h of ruminal
incubation of silage samples produced from plants mowed at the traditional height (A) was 65.3–66.7%.
Nutritional characteristics and in vitro digestibility of silages from different corn cultivars harvested at two cutting heights
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Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Effects of Cutting Height and Maturity on the Nutritive Value of Corn Silage for Lactating Cows,
J.M. Neylon, L. Kung
Journal of Dairy Science
Evaluation of the Operating Parameters of Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters During Maize Silage Harvest
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