The effects of different processing methods on the estimated nutritional value of rice bran according to the NRC-2001 Model or DVE/OEB System
Y. Wang 1,2
K. Xia 1
M. Li 1
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College of Animal Science and Technology, Northeast Agricultural University, 150030 Harbin, P.R. China
College of Food and Biotechnolgy, Qiqihar University, 161006, P.R. China
West Central Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota, 56267 MN, USA
Publication date: 2012-09-14
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Y. G. Zhang   

College of Animal Science and Technology, Northeast Agricultural University, 150030 Harbin, P.R. China
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2012;21(3):503-520
Four dairy cows fitted with ruminal and T-shaped duodenal cannulas were used to investigate the effects of processing methods on the nutritional value of rice bran and to compare the potential nutrient supply according to the NRC-2001 model or the DVE/OEB system. Three different types of processed rice bran (puffed rice bran, PRB; expeller rice bran, ERB; solvent-extracted rice bran, SRB) and unprocessed rice bran were chosen as materials. The results showed that the ERB and SRB protein concentrations were higher (P<0.05) than in unprocessed rice bran. According to the DVE/OEB system and the NRC-2001 model, the small intestine-absorbable protein contents (DVE or MP) in SRB and ERB were higher than in unprocessed rice bran (RB) (P<0.05). The nutritional values of rice bran were highly associated with the processing methods. The degraded protein balance (OEB) and the predicted absorbable small intestine protein (ASIP) using the NRC-2001 model were consistent with those using the DVE/OEB system.
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