The aim of this study was to test chicken manure as duckweed (Lemna minor) fertiliser. Duckweed was grown using three different concentrations (low, medium and high; dilution factors 1:16, 1:12 and 1:8, respectively) of previously solubilised chicken manure. Subsequently, duckweed was evaluated for its fresh and dry biomass production, protein content and protein production capacity. Ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N) concentrations increased in all substrates during an experimental week, with the increase being steeper in the treatments with higher chicken manure concentrations. However, duckweed populations were unable to fully utilise all the provided nitrogen. As the concentration of chicken manure increased, growth and protein production decreased. Adding the highest concentration of chicken manure (1:8 dilution) led to nearly complete die-off of the duckweed population. The low concentrated (1:16 dilution) chicken manure fertilisation resulted in acceptable growth (1.85 g dry matter (DM) per m2 and day) and high crude protein content (42.8% DM). The medium concentration (1:12 dilution) of chicken manure still stimulated growth, although it was significantly lower compared to duckweed grown on the low concentrated poultry manure and declined towards the end of the experiment (0.88 g DM per m2 and day). The biomass from this treatment also contained slightly lower protein content (40.6% DM). Duckweed cultivated using low and medium chicken manure concentrations produced an average of 0.79 and 0.36 g protein per m2 and day, respectively. Although solubilised chicken manure can serve as a potential fertiliser for duckweed, balancing the amount of chicken manure necessary to obtain a target NH4-N concentration when compared to cow or pig slurries is challenging.
We thank the Mercator Foundation Switzerland and the Vontobel Foundation for the financial support of this project.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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