Effect of freshwater microalgae Nannochloropsis limnetica on the rumen fermentation in vitro
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National Research Centre, Food Toxins and Contaminants Department, Cairo, Egypt
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
National Research Centre, Department of Dairy Sciences, 33 Bohouth St., Dokki, 12622 Giza, Egypt
National Agricultural and Food Centre, Hlohovecká 2, 95141, Nitra-Lužianky, Slovakia
Publication date: 2017-12-18
Corresponding author
M. Szumacher-Strabel   

Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2017;26(4):359-364
It was hypothesised that Nannochloropsis limnetica due to the specific chemical composition and fatty acids profile, may positively affect rumen fermentation. To confirm this hypothesis the batch culture experiment was conducted to evaluate N. limnetica supplemented at 0, 2, 4 and 6% of the substrate dry matter (DM) on both fermentation and fatty acid proportion in the ruminal culture. It was found that microalgae N. limnetica contain (g · kg−1 DM): crude protein 238, Ca 48.7, Na 31.8 and unsaturated fatty acids (51.7 g · 100 g−1 fatty acids). Moreover, leucine and lysine were the most abundant essential amino acids in the analysed microalgae. The total bacteria count was negatively affected if N. limnetica algae were supplemented at more than 4%. So, the research hypothesis that microalgae N. limnetica may affect rumen fermentation was confirmed, mainly by increasing propionic acid concentration without changes in the total volatile fatty acids concentration. However, a high dose (6%) decreased rumen bacteria count. Further research under commercial farm conditions should be conducted to confirm the usefulness of freshwater microalgae N. limnetica as a feed additive for ruminants.
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