Flow of endogenous and exogenous nitrogen in
different segments
of the small intestine in pigs fed diets with soyabean
concentrate, soyabean meal or rapeseed cake
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The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS), Animal Nutrition Group,
Wageningen Agricultural University,
PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands
TNO-Nutrition and Food Research Institute,
Department of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ILOB),
PO Box 15, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Publication date: 1998-01-14
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1998;7(1):1-20
Six barrows of an average initial BW 27.5±1.2 kg were used. Each pig was fitted with two
cannulas in different segments of the small intestine: pig 1 in the duodenum (C1) and upper jejunum (C2), pig 2 in C2 and the lower jejunum (C3), pig 3 in C2 and C3, pig 4 in C1 and the terminal
ileum (C4), pig 5 in C3 and C4, pig 6 in C1 and C4. Pigs were also fitted with one catheter in the
vena jugularis for blood sampling and with a second one in the arteria carotis for continuous
infusion of 15N-leucine (4.2 mg/kg0,75 BW/d). Pigs were used in a crossover design experiment with
three treatments and three periods of digesta collection (36 h) and blood sampling (36 h). Maize
starch-based diets that contained: soyabean concentrate (SC), a mixture of toasted and untoasted
soyabean meal (mSBM) of a high trypsin inhibitor activity, or rapeseed cake (RC) of a high NDF content were used in the experiment. The flow of endogenous and exogenous N along the small
intestine and the net reabsorption rate of endogenous N were estimated.
In the C1 digesta of pigs fed on the SC, mSBM and RC diets, total N was 138, 127 and 126%
of the ingested N , respectively. Sixteen, 15 and 10% of the ingested N was absorbed up to C1 , and
11.1, 11.6 and 9.4 g of endogenous N (Ed-N) per kg DM intake was secreted, respectively. For
corresponding diets in the C2 digesta, total N was 126, 117 and 111% of the ingested N. Thirty
four, 11 and 31% of the exogenous N (Ex-N) inflow and -32, 1 and -39% of the Ed-N inflow was
absorbed. In the C3 digesta, total N was 44, 47 and 43% of the ingested N, while 81, 71 and 71%
of the Ex-N inflow and 54, 38 and 49% of the Ed-N inflow was absorbed, respectively. Accordingly,
in the C4 digesta total N was 24, 33 and 33% of the ingested N , and 45, 43 and 4% of the Ex-N
inflow was absorbed. True N digestibility at the terminal ileum was 94, 88 and 82% for the SC,
mSBM and RC diets. The reabsorption rate of endogenous N before the terminal ileum was estimated as 75, 51 and 69%>, respectively.
It was concluded that regardless of the dietary protein source, the middle segment of the small
intestine is the site of the most intense absorption of endogenous and exogenous N. Reabsorption
rather than secretion of endogenous nitrogen along the pig's small intestine seems to be influenced
by dietary factors.
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