Elevated ambient temperature has a major impact on chicken growth; however, its effects on meat quality closely related to fresh food consumption and processing costs are less frequently discussed. This study investigated the effects of two microclimate temperature–humidity index (THI) levels on breast meat quality and the economic performance of broilers. Chickens were assigned either to a high THI (THI-H) or low THI (THI-L) group, with each group consisting of 60 male and 60 female Ross 308 broilers, stratified into 6 pens based on hatched chick weight. Body weight, feed intake, and survival rate were recorded to evaluate rearing efficiency and economic outcomes. Meat samples (n = 24) from 35-day-old chickens were subjected to quality and chemical composition analyses. The results showed that the THI-H group was characterised by a significantly higher (P < 0.05) meat toughness, firmness, cooking loss percentage, colour lightness, and fat content, while significantly lower (P < 0.05) water-holding capacity, pH 24 h post-slaughter, and protein content. The THI-L group showed better performance with respect to the broiler index and total benefit, suggesting that a high-THI environment, indicating heat stress conditions for broilers, negatively affects both meat quality and profitability. The study emphasises the need to consider both quality and economic factors when developing strategies to mitigate the effects of heat stress in broilers.
The Authors would like to thank the members of the laboratory for their contribution to the entire experimental process related to animal husbandry and data collection.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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