Aquaculture is transforming due to global food demand. Organic carp is a popular fish farmed in ponds, mostly by small and medium enterprises. This is associated with environmental and quality benefits, but also high costs and low production density. Despite being a large sector of food industry, the ethics of aquaculture slaughter methods are perceived as inferior. Implementing the least stressful killing method would ensure better welfare of fish. This study aimed to determine the most optimal strategy among commonly used and approved fish sacrificing techniques. To assess the level of stress experienced by fish, the following biochemical blood parameters were analysed: cortisol, glucose, lactic acid and cholesterol levels, as well as the activity of alkaline phosphatase, amylase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. In conclusion, slaughter methods used in the experiment involved three main stress factors: handling time, fish body damage and stunning method. After analysis, we would recommend percussion followed by brain destruction as the least stressful method.
We hereby declare that this publication serves as the basis of Bogumił Łosiewicz’s thesis. The authors would like to thank Mirosław Cieśla for supervising the project and providing the opportunity to publish its results.
The work was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Republic of Poland, (grant on organic farming No. 513-90-74500-U00145-99).
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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Health control of insects used as feed materials and experimental models: state of the art, prospects for future with utilization of biochemical assays – a review
B. Łosiewicz, T. Bartoszek, M. Kamaszewski
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
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