QRFP43 modulates the activity of the hypothalamic appetite regulatory centre in sheep
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The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Animal Physiology,
Instytucka 3, 05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Publication date: 2024-04-22
Corresponding author
B. J. Przybył
The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Animal Physiology,
Instytucka 3, 05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2024;33(3):281-286
The neuromodulatory effect of pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide
43 (QRFP43) on the hypothalamic appetite regulation centre in sheep has not
yet been investigated. The present work focuses on the role of QRFP43 in
modulating mRNA expression of pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor
(QRFPR), neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti related neuropeptide (AGRP), cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript prepropeptide (CARTPT), proopiomelanocortin (POMC), peptidyglycine
alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) and NPY protein expression in the
hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in sheep. The aim of this study was to investigate
whether QRFP43 could affect gene expression of the appetite-regulating
centre in the hypothalamus. The experiment was conducted from September
to December and included forty-eight female Polish Merino sheep randomly
assigned to three groups. The control group received an intracerebrovenctricular
infusion of Ringer-Locke solution (480 μl/day), whereas the experimental
groups were administered QRFP43 in two doses: 10 or 50 μg/480 μl/day
(referred to as the RFa10 and RFa50 groups). Selected brain structures were
collected from animals for immunohistochemical and real-time PCR analyses.
Central infusions of QRFP43 induced changes in mRNA expression of the NPY,
CARTPT, POMC and QRFPR genes. A decrease in NPY and QRFPR mRNA
expression, and an increase in CARTPT mRNA expression were detected.
Furthermore, infusion of QRFP43 in the RFa50 group resulted in decreased
POMC mRNA expression. Our findings suggest that QRFP43 may exert an
inhibitory effect on the hypothalamic neuronal network responsible for appetite
regulation in sheep. Moreover, it appears that the effect of QRFP43 may vary
in different animal species, thus further research is required, especially involving
hormonal proteomic analyses.
The authors would like to express their gratitude
to veterinary surgeons K. Roszkowicz-Ostrowska
and D. Szkopek, for their assistance in brain surgery.
Appreciation is also extended to A. Misztal
and K. Biernacka for their help with experiments
and immunohistochemical and radioimmunological
analyses. Special thanks are given to W. Mrozek and
R. Druchniak for their excellent care of the animals
during the study.
This research was supported by funds provided
by the National Science Centre, Poland,
PRELUDIUM 17 grant No. 2019/33/N/NZ9/00287.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of
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