Climate change poses new challenges in dairy cow nutrition. Sorghum has gained interest due to its higher water use efficiency and tolerance to drought conditions. In addition, the use of cover crops become increasingly popular for improving residual soil nitrogen and preventing erosion during fallow periods. The aim of the study was to assess feed intake, apparent total tract digestibility, feeding behaviour, performance, and milk quality in late-lactation dairy cows fed diets differing in silage type (Diet 1: sorghum silage; Diet 2: cover crop silage). The study used 8 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in the last stage of lactation fed experimental diets in a cross over design trial. Diet 1 resulted in higher apparent digestibility of dietary protein (P < 0.05), lower rumination chews (P < 0.05), and a tendency towards lower eating chews (P < 0.10) than Diet 2. However, no differences were observed in dry matter intake, milk yield, or milk composition (P > 0.05). The results indicate that cover crop silage can be used as an alternative to sorghum silage in diets of late-lactation dairy cows.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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